This week kicked my butt. By this afternoon, I was ready to hit the hay. It has been a tough week for some reason. I just want to go to bed. I have perked up a little since I got home from school. I even continued my garage cleaning and organizing. It's looking very good by the way.
Anyway...Last night Erika and Tyler took me out to dinner at one of my favorite places...Yamato. It lifted my spirits and my tummy. I love spending time with my children. I love the grown ups they have evolved into. I guess I just love them and that is all there is to it.

A couple of weeks ago, I got an email from my Step-daughter/friend/daughter, Abbie. I love and adore this woman. She is an incredible mother of two who is the moral support of her husband, Forrest, who is currently attending Columbia Medical School in New York City. They are on quite a ride! Lucky ducks! She maintains and awesome blog which you can read here.
Anyway, back to Abbie's email and request. She has a beautiful little three year old Audrie. Look at her and you will agree that anyone who sees her wants to eat her up.
So, Abbie requested a couple of little aprons for little Audrie. How could I say no. My problem was that I didn't have a pattern the size of a three year old. I did my best but know they are a little bit big. But, Abbie is resourceful and will be able to cinch up the extra fabric. I loved making these up for Audrie
you're AMAZING! i love you, love you, love you.
Adorable! We have the luckiest children ever!
I'M the lucky one.
You amaze me! Somehow, I think we need to be family. ;)
I love the aprons and that adorable granddaughter. Hate the sushi. I just can't get past the seaweed. But I'm glad it raised your spirits. The best 1st grade teacher at AE deserves it!
You get an "A+" A for adorable Abbie and Audrey and Aprons!
AHHHHHH!!!! WEEEE CAAAAAN'TTT WAAAITT to put on those aprons (we meaning me put them on audrie. YAYAY! Thank you! to the moon!
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