Dear Audrie:
I love your mouth...
especially when it's smiling.
And, I love it...
even when it's slobbering.
I love your eyes...

even when they're sad.
I love your cute little nose...

especially when there's food all over it!
And, I can't wait until those little hands...

hold mine.
Though I've only met you once in your life,

(you looked like this.)
I look forward to seeing you
as a grown up little lady one whole year old!
Grami Tami
I will admit, I'm tearing up a little. That was very sweet, G-ma Tami. I can't believe she's one! How did this happen? She's supposed to stay my baby forever. Thank you for making me cry (again) on my baby's b-day. (I know, I'm a wuss.)
Forrest says "that's good. That's really good. Well done, Tami."
We both love it.
latatedi - word verification. sounds like a song.
I love that little baby.
Especially since she worse a strawberry dress on strawberry dippin' day.
such a sweet post. she is a beautiful little girl!
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