Melissa and Me
Melissa and Erika
I love her laugh
A birthday kiss.
This year, to do something special, Terry (my hub) and I decided to give Melissa 24 envelopes. She was instructed to open one every hour. Inside, she would find 24 reasons why her mom or her dad love her. I also put a random treat inside each envelope.
Let me share a couple with you:
"You tell me in a kind way when my clothes don't match"
"Your work ethic. You work and work. Sure you complain sometimes but you always go and give it your all. Remember that Grandpa Leavitt always said that it doesn't matter if you are hired for $1.00 an hour, you still give your employer your all. I know he would be proud of you."
"You always offer to go get me lunch and dinner with my credit card!"
"You accept me with all of my faults and issues. You support me. You let me know when I need to shape-up...even if I hate that sometimes! Thank you."
Plus, 20 more.
I certainly do love this girl. She is amazing. For more about her, go here.
Happy Birthday to a beautiful(inside and out) girl! I can't believe she is so grown up!
I loved my party. Thanks for the surprise. You're the best and I don't know what I'd do without you!
wow! 22? how is that possible? she is gorgeous!
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