Here is the text from a voicemail I received from my little six year old grand daughter, Isabel a week or so ago. If you can imagine a sweet, irresistible, darling little voice saying these words, you will be able to understand why I dropped every project I was working on to fulfill this request. Here we go...
"Grami Tami, I thought maybe when I come to
your house in October,
maybe we could sew an apron because I
want to be a pioneer.
I love you.
And I hope you'll answer soon. Bye."
Now I ask you, could YOU have said no? I didn't think so. I gave that little cutie a call back on the phone to find out what color she'd like and she immediately told me "white". I could tell she had really thought things through and had a vision of what she wanted her costume to look like. I asked her if she would like the pioneer dress to go underneath. She was super excited and told me she would like it to be blue.
I can't wait to start on the dress. Next week's post may just be a dress instead of an apron but...I'm sure no one will mind! (Will you??)
This was a very fun apron to sew. It had 9 different pieces, two pockets,
two ruffles, four button holes, and two buttons.
I used about 8 yards of bias tape for all of the trim.
(This time I used the store bought kind. My jury is still out as to my
feelings about bias tape!)
I love the back.
I have to admit that I couldn't totally finish the apron as
I am missing all of my buttons (cough:Erika:cough).
But, I'll fix that as soon as I get to the fabric store again.
I love how the straps criss-cross in the back.
I doubled up the bow as well. It was just too flimsy with one layer of fabric.
I can't wait to see this apron on Issy. I can't wait to see how it all hangs and
fits on a real body rather than just a hanger.
Try as I might, I just couldn't find a model small enough to
show it off!!
Now I'm off to leave THIS voicemail:
"Hi Isabel. I can't wait for you to come to my
house in October for Canadian Thanksgiving.
I'm sorry but we won't be able to sew an apron
when you get here. That's because I already made
you one and you will look like a REAL pioneer!
I love you.
I can't wait to see you in 20 days!"

love love love!
I bet it will look so cute on her!
Ohhhh! It is darling! Can't wait to see the dress that goes with next time!
Simply adorable!
With a blue dress underneath she may even double as Alice in Wonderland....
Rachel, you need to check out my school blog! There's a picture on there for you.
I love your aprons Tami. cute idea. I must say though my favorite model was Terry...somehow the apron made his look tough....or was that the sword?
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