Sarah Burke: 1982 - 2012
I don't know why this story of Sarah Burke has touched me the way it has. I remember hearing about her accident nine days ago in Park City. Maybe it was because she was a Canadian training in Utah. Maybe it was because she was so talented. Maybe because she is a fellow human being. I don't know. Maybe I do know and I don't want to really think about it. Like maybe it makes me think of my own young adult daughters. What do these mothers do when tragedies like this happen to their babies? How do they live on after their daughters move on ahead of them. Parents should never have to bury their children. It should be the other way around. My heart goes out to Sarah's family. Particularly her mother. I don't know her personally but, today...our hearts touched.
To read Sarah's story go here.

Heartbreaking....... You're right. No parent should have to bury their child.......
Rachel,what would I do without your comments? Seems that you are the only one these days! Thanks for letting me know that at least someone is reading my thoughts.
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