I have only worked in retail once (well, now, twice) in my life. When I was in high school I worked at the Cardston Pharmacy. I wore a uniform. I remember it was a baby blue "nursey" outfit. I loved that job. I stocked shelves. I ran the cash register. I talked to customers. The only other thing I had to worry about was going to grade 12 and getting along with my mom and dad. (Which, by the way, I did. I loved my parents and growing up. But, that's a different blog for a different day.)
Fast forward some 30 odd years. I have been a teacher for 24 years and it is my passion. About three years ago this October, I was walking through the mall with my daughters and we passed Bath and Body Works. I have always loved that store. Who wouldn't? It smells good and has great bargains. Anyway, there was a sign in the window looking for holiday help. I thought "What the heck?" I told the girls I was going to apply "just for the Christmas season". HAHAHAHA!
I ended up being hired at a whopping $7.00/hour. It was fun. It was totally different from my school teaching. I loved that it was physically demanding. Who knew that retail was so physical. PEOPLE! Be nice to those people helping you in the stores you shop in. (again...another blog for another time) At best, I looked at it as my workout for the day.
Well, I kept getting promoted. Now I've been there for three years and am a CSL (Customer Sales Lead) which is part of the management staff and making considerably more than $7.00/hour. I really do feel fullfilled in this second job. It is still so different from school. BUT...after the past year of health issues, it is very hard for me to make it through a shift at the mall. I'm practically the oldest employee (thanks Annette) and the busiest. My body is telling me to quit but I can't. I just can't.
So, for now, I will continue teaching (my number one priority) AND selling people things to make them smell and feel great.
PS....the new fragrance of PS, I Love You smells great. It reminds me of my mom and the vintage perfume Roses Roses. Does anyone remember that scent?

PS, I love you too. heehee.
I love that you work there because I always smell good.
You can never quit! We go in there to see YOU first, and get yummy lotions and soaps second. :)
I went to Bath and Body at lunch today and picked up the new fragrance you mentioned. Love it...
I thought about applying for Christmas work as a second job while I was there and may still do it. It looks like a fun place to work. It is nice to work somewhere that is fun.
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