These shoes I own now
comfortably worn year round
Kathe has them too

Vans, you are so red
I could jump and run in you
If I did that crap

Pretty shoes for church
You could last me for five years
My legs would look hot

Oh, red Dansko clogs,
You sit inside my closet
I forget you're there.

Awesome little shoes
Too bad you're just for wee ones
I'd wear you daily

You naughty shoes, you!
If I were a sexy girl
I would wear you out!

Love, love, love, love, love
Ballet flats just for Tami
I am buying YOU!

I am in pure love
Some day I WILL have these boots
Just you wait and see!

For now I will wait
Until my broken toe heals
I hate you pinkie!
Color red + shoes/boots = ME
This was a delicious in eye candy post.
Well, except for the toe part. I feel your pain. Literally. My big toe from 4th of July still gives me grief. As for my pinkie toe I broke a few years back.... yeah. Stupid pinkie!
BUT! You've got great toe nails. :D RED!
Can't wait to see you in them trashy boots! Love em!!
Now I need to go and get a tissue to clean the drool off of my computer. slurp
I am in love with those boots!!! Oh my if I had the legs for them they would be mine:)
holy crap where did you find those red boots! I must have them!!
holy crap where did you find those red boots! I must have them!!
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