With hardships come great, great learning. I have learned more about being a teacher from this little girl than from any other child I have ever taught. I am such a better teacher because of her.
The other day, I got to school and found this on my desk:
Little Cybil and her mother had pulled together a basket of goodies for Teacher Appreciation Week (two weeks after the fact which made it even more exciting!) More awesome than the actual items within the basket, were the notes tied to each one. Oh my goodness, they were hysterical. I really must share them with you (if there are even any of "you" still around reading this here blog! Which, by the way, has gone private in NO WAY because of anything I did. Someday I'll blog about it...or not. Plus, after visiting with the person who insinuated that I do take it private, I may just make it public once again. Freedom of speech, right??)
Anyway...here we go:
There were a few items without notes on them. My favorite being the play on the fabulous Young Men Young Women reminder to "Return With Honor". I think you'll pick it out right away!
Now, for the cutest little notes any teacher could ever dream of...I saved my very favorite for last.

It's really amazing how much this little gal has made me grow this year in patience and love. She has come so far both academically as well as socially. She is full of love and confidence. She and I have an amazing relationship. I have learned what to say when she starts to "lose it" and she has figured out the way to my heart.
It's amazing how we learn...how I learn. I don't know why it takes such frustration and often pain to learn important truths sometimes. But, it truly does.
Bring on the new first graders!!
:D That last one is fabulous!
I'm glad it all ended with a happily ever after. Every drama should. :)
Crossing my fingers you aren't pushed to the limit with my little 'cybl' next year. :D
I must be emotional today cuz this made me cry! I am just so happy that you were able to find such good things in this little girl ... I was so blessed to have you for Marley's teacher this year. Thank you for always trying so hard to like your kids, it means SO much!!
Rachel, if I can't wait! and Melissa, I know it's cheesy but it really is me who was blessed to teach Marley. She is precious.
You are amazing! How do you feel about teaching 2nd grade? In Colorado??
I would LOVE to teach 2nd grade in Colorado. Oh how I would spoil those two children. What would they call me? Mrs. Grami? Mrs. Grandma? Mrs. Don'tbejealousbecauseIlovethetwinsalotmorethanIloveyouandalwayswillsojustgetusedtoit?
That is so precious. You are such a great teacher simply because you will admit you haven't learned it all and are still teachable- even by 1st graders.
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