Extreme Couponing. It just puts me in a bad mood. Something about it makes me want to punch those people in the face. (I'm not a puncher either) It seems sort of dishonest to me. Like the extreme couponer is taking advantage of the business. I'm all for home storage, but 300 containers of deodorant or 1000 bottles (yes, 1000) of body wash? Really?
Am I just jealous?
Lobster Risotto
1 day ago
Ew I agree. They're all just hoarders.
I know! I have always wondered how the heck they use up the stuff before it all expires... One family doesn't need 1000 bottle of body wash, but I know a lot of shelters could probably use them.
HAHA! I've been known to coupon a little lately. A LITTLE. I want to punch them too. When I go to Walmart looking for a pack of blue or green Trident and there is not a single freaking pack to be found b/c they are 25 cents off and the couponers bought them all...I'm ticked. That is a LOT of gum, people.
It bugs me too because then us normal people who have lives outside of couponing, but like to use a coupon to save a little extra money and only want 1 or 2 items, but can't get them because we weren't there at the crack of dawn with our shoulder pads on to beat out the extrem-ers! You DO NOT NEED the entire shelf! You selfish pig.
This is a sore subject for me...can you tell?
I agree, I think that 1,000 body wash bottles is ridiculous. How about sending that deodorant and body wash, toothpaste type items to the VA or the troops? They could use them for certain or even a local shelter. You don't need that many items.... I believe in storing for emergencies, etc. But that is not storing, that is hording and they way they get so excited about it... Its like they are addicted.
500 bottles of Scope...... I'm still trying to figure out what that lady needed all of those bottles for. I'm praying it isn't for her breath because if it is....... Scope aint gonna help her!
Thank you for beeing you
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