Erin is the wife of Terry's son Spencer. I affectionately call her my "sister-daughter". I would have loved to have her as my real life sister. She is an amazing person and whatever I write about her here could never do her justice. She's just that darned wonderful.
If I had a "do over" in my life, I would pattern my parenting after Erin. Not that I think I did a poor job of mothering or anything (right Melissa and Erika??), but she is just doing everything right. She feeds her children healthy food and they actually like it. That is a miracle in and of itself. Her children are almost perfect! Erin made them that way.
I wish I had Erin's drive. She is a marathon runner, a nurse, a reader, a blogger, a chef, a friend, a patient wife and mother, and so much more. She makes me feel like I am the most important person in her life. The thing is, I know everyone who knows her thinks the same thing. That is a trait of an exceptional person.
She made up the name "Grami Tami" which I adore. After all, I'm too young to be a grandma. Grami sounds so much younger. I love those twins she gave birth to. I love that Erin reminds them that they have a Grami Tami far away in Utah.
(Erin...remember my journal experience I let you read about our visit to the beautiful big building in American Fork? That is my most treasured memory of you and always will be (uh oh! I'm tearing up!) Thank you for that day.)
So, as anyone reading can see, Erin is a tremendous spirit. I love her. I like her. She means more to me than I could ever write on a public forum. Everyone who meets her is better because they did.
Oh Tami! What are you trying to do here? Make me tear up everytime I read your blog???
I agree with everything and would like to add a few...
What would Spencer be like without Erin?
And what would I be like without her support though my twin pregnancy and BF-ing?
I like everything about her... but she does set the bar pretty high. I guess if someone you know isn't helping you be a better person then what the point in knowing them at all? We love you!!!
oh and she is a super hot twin mom!
You guys are too nice...I needed this today. Thank you...:) I love you guys!
Tami, you're killing us with the crying here.:) How do you say crying in Canadian? Ha ha. JK. But, seriously, did I tell you that there is a "Canadian Grille" by my house now? What, exactly, would a Canadian grill serve???
Canadian grills serve Maple leaves duh!
After today...you forgot to mention how I'm constantly forgetting things, locking my keys in my car, nearly losing my cool at multiple grocery stores, and my house is NEVER clean. :) What a day...
That's what makes you such a great mom!
i'm not crying. but i like erin. does that count?
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