Monday, March 23, 2009

I refuse...

to make anymore blog posts until I get some comments.

Picture me sitting on the floor with my legs and arms crossed looking at you like it's you're turn to leave a comment.  

Force it.
Lie about it.
Make it up.
Just throw me a bone!

I need a comment.

Thanks in advance!


Bella Foxx said...

I don't have much to say but, I gave you an award its here on my blog Bella is reading .... I love your blog.

I'll try to comment more. OK?

emlizalmo said...

Don't quit! You make me laugh...and I need that from time to time! :)

Kari said...

Excuse me, but I always have something to say about your posts!

Just cause it's usually crass and filled with curses doesn't mean I don't care. :P

So, quit your bitchin!

Love ya lots. :)

Nerdster said...


Anonymous said...

Aw Tami - ur hair looks purty today ;)

Readbooks62 said...

Tami, you always make me laugh.


Camille said...

Tam-- I ready EVERYTHING you write, which makes me long for our lengthy visits in the salon sipping diet cokes and talking about every random thing possible. Thanks for your blog, and for being totally awesome.

Cinco de Mayo is just around the corner. Do you still have that picture I gave you??

Sue said...

Oh for heaven's sake you big whiner. Just keep posting and quit fishing for compliments. You'll get a big head and no one will want to read your blog anymore.

Mel said...

whoa whoa whoa sue. someone is PMS-ing. or is that possible at your age???


comment. comment. comment.

Tami Anderson said...

Bella: thanks for the award!
Amy: I adore you
Kari: Your swears keep me giggling
Nerd: !
Coco: You know it!
Cherie: When are we going to meet?
Camille: I miss you too and I need my hair done...NOW!!
Sue: I'm not fishing for compliments.
Melissa: PMS can happen anywhere, anytime, when you least expect it.

Tami Anderson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue said...

Oh for heavens sake AGAIN - you know I'm teasing!

As for PMS, call it menopause, and pass the hormones please.

Tami Anderson said...

Sue, I have an open wound the size of China on my abdomen and it is effecting the literal side of my brain!

Sue said...

Oh My Gosh - now I'm a certified jerk! Beating an ailing woman when she's down with China on her abdomen.

I will go and give myself a Swirly in the toilet immediately.

2tontansy said...

Calm down, and go take some pain pills. I try to comment if it pertains to me... Luv ya.

Tami Anderson said...


This made my day!

Abbie said...

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a comment for a comment. Hop on over to my blog and comment. Aw, just kidding. Love you!

Erin said...


Ha ha. Just a little WW/any online message board humor for you. :)

erika @ life unfluffed said...

I'm laughing at these comments.
Some more than others.

Goldie said...

Now, now, you must post, what will I read at work?

Keri said...

Oh Tami. You are too funny. I love reading your blog. Mostly because you are one of the few who actually keep it updated. I will try to comment more often. lol :-)

Anonymous said...

LOL. Looks like you did a good job getting comments on this one.


Nerdster said...

Who told Erin about "save"?

Does she know about < delete > too?

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