My recovery was going along swimmingly when, I started having horrible, raging high fevers. Why? My incision had been collecting pus like there was no tomorrow (I thought about including pictures here but then thought better of're welcome!). So, it all came down to being tossed back and forth from the wound care clinic and my surgeon to see whether to keep the wound (which they ended up cutting open) gaping open or sew it back up. In the end...Dr. Soisson sewed it back up which took place yesterday. We'll see how it all works out. Only time will tell. (pssttt...if you'd like to see a picture of the wound OR the stitched up wound just ask (sicko!))
Lobster Risotto
1 day ago
I will be praying for you and sincerely hope this is the last of it all.
and you should know full and well that I want to see the pictures.
Yeesh! That is nutty. I'm sorry. And again, I am so impressed with your attitude. I love you Tami! You are such a great example. You're in our prayers for sure.
Will it ever end? I am so sorry for all this mess you are going through. :( We really miss seeing you at school. Can't wait till you are back to your old self!
I think you should have posted pictures, I love crap like that....
So sorry to hear that, get well!!!
Get better for heaven's sake.
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