...there was a grandpa and a grami. who lived with their daughter

One day, little Miss Lyla and Miss Olivia came over to play with their grandparents and aunt. It was a day that was full of fun and play. But wait, did this storyteller just say "day"? Hmmm...well, when you see all of the activities that this little family did together you would think it had been an entire day. But, it was really just a mere 2 1/2 hours! Just look at all of the things they did together. I think you will be very tired after you see ALL the pictures from the day. Here we go...
First, the day began with lots of hugs, kisses, and smiles of "hello". This was followed by some clapping games with Grandpa Terry.
they got the lid off of the toybox as quickly as possible. Lots of treasures like: wonderous fairy sounds coming from the coveted wand, colorful necklaces, puppets, high heels, tea sets, and on and on and on.
Then it was CUPCAKE making time. Everyone had to have their own apron to wear. Lyla's was a colorful apron that Grami Tami got from Santa. Olivia wore and apron that Grami got from one of her students. Grandpa Terry's apron was one that Grami accidently:cough:on purpose:cough took home from her job at Bath and Body Works. And Grami wore a lovely blue apron that she got from her mum.
Everyone helped make the chocolate cupcakes. The little chefs measured, stirred, and spilled. It was glorious!
Grami Tami looked silly in Aunt Erika's glasses. Plus, she thinks she is looking more and more "grandmaish" and really needs to head back to Weight Watchers (but that is not part of this story so stop thinking about it!!!)

The Grandpa poured the hot water. Of course, he put a funny twist on it and made the little girls giggle and giggle. What a silly grandpa.
While the cupcakes were cooling, the grandpa and the grandgirls took a walk out to the mailbox to mail a letter for Aunt Melissa who was sending it to her friend in Afghanistan. It was a beautiful day, this first day of Spring. The little girls ran around in little circles enjoying the weather.
Grami Tami made sure to adjust the aprons so the girls wouldn't trip. Don't you think they're pretty?

At last, the cupcakes were ready. Everyone helped to spread the frosting and add the sprinkles or grated orange rind. Everyone agreed that they were delicious!
Just ask the little princesses. Only, they wouldn't be able to answer you because their mouths were stuffed with sugary goodness.

Next came a little coloring and writing in the sun streaming through the windows. Markers were the medium of choice for the little artists in training. However, when they realized how cool the colored pencils were, they couldn't get enough and colored even more!

Once all of the paper was colored, it was time to color ON the children. Grami took the little girls to the upstairs bathroom where they sat on the counter. Once there, they received makeovers. They fluttered their little eyelashes as the grami applied "makeup" to their eyes and rouge to their cheeks. And of course, what makeover would be complete without a manicure and a pedicure?? It wouldn't!

Boy, all of the festivities were getting very exhausting. Little Olivia decided it would be a good time to haul out a gigantic pillow, her blankie, and her apron for a faceplanted nap. A 15 second nap.

AND, of course, Macaroni and Cheese! After all, it's a staple for all grandchildren. Isn't it?
Whether eaten with a fork, or straight out of the bowl, or even off your face, it's a delicious meal.
And, for dessert, everyone ate another CUPCAKE! Wouldn't you?
Then, there comes a time in every child's visit to her grandparent's house where exhaustion takes over. And, when it does, the eyes start to droop, the thumb comes out, and the glaze takes it's place in the center of big blue eyes.
That's when every grami and grandpa knows....
it was a very, very, good day!
And it was.
the end

Too cute! I love it!
Crap...I had a little typo...
You look fabulous! you always do!! and can I send my 3 girls to you for an few hours. That looked like a tonne of fun. What lucky girls!!
you're the best grami.
What fun! I think my kids want you to be their Grammi!
So cute and love all the pics. Thanks again love you all!!!
Cute. I want to play!
I so want to be a grami like you! What fun memories you are making for those cuties. I can tell you are very proud of them and they are very lucky to have such fun and loving grandparents. Yep, it's settled! I want to grow up to be a grandma like you!
can I come next time? Aww, I love those little ladies! What a fun day!
So cute. I am still waiting for the cupcake recipe for the lovely looking ones you posted on facebook a couple of weeks ago. THey sounded and looked delish!
What a cute story! You are such an amazing grandma. Every kid would love to have you as their Grami...Your grandkids are so lucky!
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